Hello all! I know it's been forever... It makes me so sad just to think about how long I've been away from the blogging world. I've still kept up with things.. I just didn't post about my own happenings. I've gone back and forth about whether or not I should share about the things going on in my life and why I haven't posted but I think that will come in time as I get back in the swing of things. I am in a good place now, emotionally, spiritually, physically (location wise - yes I moved) so let's just say there was a lot going on but I'm very happy with where I am now and my kids are doing well also!
Sooooo..... I can't believe that July is tomorrow! Where did June go? I wanted to share a new theme pack I created for a teacher as a request. It's the largest classroom set I've done and I'm very excited about it. If you are looking for a new theme or if you are doing a Camping Theme you may want to check it out!
What I love about this set is all of the Summer Camp Kidlettes and the Woodland Animals. This set includes everything you could imagine...plus a little more! Here are some examples of what's included.
I love the Alphabet Cards with all the camping items! All of the vowels are outlined in your choice of either pink or aqua blue.
How cute are these number posters? The set displays the numeral, the number word, tally marks and ten frames so students can refer to these all year long!
I love the camp signs to display the 2D and 3D shapes!
What camping theme could be complete without bug jars? What a great way to display color words in your classroom!
Months and Days of the Week |
Nameplates in different designs and colors!
I love how the word wall headers and banner turned out! All the vowels are blue so students can distinguish the vowels from the consonants.
Classroom Jobs! How adorable is this??!! I'm in L.O.V.E.
The set includes a welcome banner and a banner that says "READ S'MORE". This will be so cute hanging in the classroom library!
If you are like me... I want everything to match. So I made tons of supply labels for tubs, bins, boxes, whatever you'd like to use them for.
These will be adorable attached to a baggie filled with marshmallows, graham crackers and a small chocolate bar! I thought this might be a cute back to school welcome gift!
Finally, I included tons of colored pennant flags so you can make banners for your classroom.
After I finished this pack, I decided to make all the labels, banners and binder covers editable. So I created this add-on pack. You can check it out here:
Last thing, I promise! LOL My friend requested a behavior chart to match so I'm very pleased with this new chart. It includes 2 different behavior logs and a chart explanation for parents. Plus, when students reach the top, they get an Eagle Badge! Take a look:
I also created these in Chevron... but I think I like the solid backgrounds more.
When students reach the top, they earn an Eagle Badge. Here they are:
I also created an Explanation Chart to keep in your students binders or folder all year for the parents!
I wasn't sure if I would even be able to make this work since my friend wanted straight faces and a sad face on the campers at the bottom. (She teaches Kindergarten)... but I talked with Nikki from Melonheadz and she gave me permission to use the versions I modified slightly. She is so wonderful! I love her clipart and wish I could own every set! I'd really like to be in Vegas this summer at the TPT Conference so I could take her class. I asked her if she would consider doing an online tutorial... so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that!
I guess I've posted quite a bit for one day! I am currently reading the new version of Daily 5 and can't wait to post some about that. I have done Daily 5 in my classroom for 4 years now and my co-workers were lucky enough to go see Gail Boushey and Joan Moser in person! (Can you detect a little jealousy there?) It has totally transformed the way I run my classroom and I can't wait to share some things with you! I've been loving all the posts so far!
By the way ~ all my Camping Theme Decor is on sale TODAY (June 30th) and TOMORROW (July 1st)! 20% off ~ please share if you know a teacher choosing camping as their theme this year! Have a wonderful day!