I just found the most fabulous giveaway... it involves owls {LUV}. AND a great blog called Plug-n-Plan. I just became a follower and plan to purchase her "It's OWL time" unit on TpT. Check it out:

She's giving away a differentiated file folder game "Hoo's Turn Is It?" just by doing 4 things: Follow her blog, on facebook, on TpT and blog about her giveaway. With my classroom being OWLS and a camping theme, I just love anything owls - especially this adorable clipart. Don't miss out...
I just found your blog today. Can't wait to check it out!
ReplyDeleteJust Add Clipart
I will be following you cute little blog! I love the OWL theme! Feel free to visit me at
What a cute blog!! Absolutely love it!
I have an owl theme this year too! Check out my blog too if you want!
Kinder By Golly
I'm a new follower of your super-cute blog. Thanks for sharing your ideas. :)
Too cute!! Looking forward to following your blog and thanks for having my button! So sweet!!
ReplyDeleteCurls and a Smile
I found you on a linky party for new blogs! Come by and check out my blog! I added you! :)I am a new blog myself!
Fantastic First Grade