It's Back to School time and I've been a shopping mama... taking my kiddos to buy school supplies, new shoes, clothes and all those things they "think" they need. I found some AWESOME sales today and my kids are all revved up for school! Now that I got my kids all ready for school ~ I'm so HAPPY I get to "back to school" shop tomorrow at TPT! {I have lots of items on my wishlist and tomorrow is my chance to get some goodies!} They are having a super duper sale. Not only do you get 20% off but use the TPT promo code BTS12 and you get another 10% off! Most stores are participating... including
me - but you can always check out all the fabulous teachers who are participating over at
Blog Hoppin'.
Thanks to
Amy Lemons for creating this CUTE image!
Even though we don't start school for another week ~ I've been working in my classroom so that I can have several days to rest before my students show up and prepare lesson plans and all those last little things that just HAVE to get done {like pinterest inspired projects I really really want to do - SHHH}!
[WARNING: The following post is LONG ~ I got a little carried away but there are many freebies throughout.]
One of the first things I'd like to share with you is how I turned an UGLY green chalkboard into a whiteboard for only $13! I was going to try and use the white board paint but it was $30 and you still had to prime the chalkboard first! UGH! Too expensive and too messy! So I found some shower board (I've heard many bloggers talk about how they have cut it to make small white boards for their class). It comes in sheets of 4 ft by 8 ft - so I took my measurement and had them cut it to fit! YAY! Instant whiteboard. How to attach it???? I thought about using liquid nails - but worried if it ever had to be taken down it would absolutely ruin the chalkboard. So - I put magnets on the back (since the chalkboard is magnetic and slid it underneath the metal track by lifting the screws and then tightening them.) I have to give credit to my dad for doing this for me. He's such a handy dandy guy!
But wait... this is the before picture.
Here is the after picture!
I love how the border filled in those tiny gaps where you could still see the green chalkboard - PLUS I put up my scoreboard in preparation of using some
Whole Brain Teaching strategies! If you want my Happy/Frowney Face - You can download them
I've done ALOT {like a TON} of labeling this year. I've had these baskets for years full of read aloud books that I use during my mini-lessons for Reader's and Writer's Workshop but just never took the time to label them. Well friends ~ I FINALLY made some labels!
I also keep a basket of my favorite read alouds and science read alouds nearby. Here is a close up of one of these labels:
I tied these labels on my baskets with some cute ribbon... I think they turned out a wee bit cutey patootey! If you would like them ~ you can download them
Even though I plan to implement whole brain teaching this year, I am still using my
clip chart as I get more familiar with whole brain teaching practices. I started out with a HUGE owl but decided real quick I just didn't dig him. He was too big and made it difficult for the clothespins to attach to the chart. I ended up with this idea and I am completely in LOVE with it!
I hot glued a "branch" I made out of construction paper to the top of the bulletin board, then used ribbon between each piece of the chart and finally hot glued the ribbon at the top to make it look like it is hanging from the branch. Here is a close-up view:
I am so excited about implementing a new behavior reward system. {NO MORE TREASURE BOX... NO MORE CANDY!!} Not that I am against those things - I just about go broke trying to keep the box and the jar stocked! Plus, last year I had a kiddo with diabetes - so I did away with my candy jar last year and I realized that the kids didn't miss it at all! Then on those special days when they did get a treat it was REALLY extra special!
She has an awesome presentation that explains her behavior management plan in depth as well as freebies for all the behavior coupons that go along with this system.
I have decided that depending on the color that a student ends on for the day they will earn "Warm Fuzzies". What is a "Warm Fuzzy" you ask? They are just regular {or fancy} pom poms.
Here's what my bucket looks like on the inside.
So if a student ends up on green for the day - they have earned 1 warm fuzzy. If they got to move their clip up to blue... 2 warm fuzzies. If they were Outstanding... then they've earned 3 warm fuzzies. However, if they end up on yellow {warning} for the day - they do not get a fuzzy. If they end up on orange {consequence} for the day - then they OWE me a warm fuzzy. If they end up on red for the day {parent contact} they will owe me 2 warm fuzzies! Heaven forbid!
But if they get OFF THE CHART - when they are better than outstanding... which is a RARE occasion - they get a GLITTER FUZZY! {WHOA - Stop the world!}
These are worth 5 {YES I SAID FIVE} warm fuzzies!
Just take a look at these beauties!
They will put their warm fuzzies in a paint cup labeled with their student number... I didn't take a picture of the cups but I think you might be able to see them inside their book baskets in their cubbies in this picture.

But what is all the fuss about fuzzies? Every 2 weeks my students will get to shop for reward coupons. Each coupon is worth 5 warm fuzzies. {Hopefully an incentive to earn a fuzzy a day by at least staying on green}. These coupons I printed on cardstock {I got them from
Mel D} laminated them and put them in a craft box to keep them organized. These coupons are things like - sit by a friend, 15 minutes computer time, kick your shoes off in the classroom, bring a stuffed animal to school, read a book to the class, etc. There are so many more and they cost me NOTHING! But the kids go crazy over these kind of rewards! I'm so excited about this idea and will keep you posted how this new system works out. OH and if you liked those cute Warm Fuzzy and Glitter Fuzzy Labels - you can download them
Do you do the Daily 5 and Cafe? We changed CAFE to FACE so that our first graders would relate a little better to the concept "the face of a reader". I redid my board this year {Yep - you guessed it - OWLS}!
What I am super excited about this year is that all of my strategy cards have been redone, match the color owl on my FACE posters AND {wait for it} have the CCSS on the card! Give me a 10 finger WOO everybody! LOL
Take a look at what I mean:
The purple owl is on all of the fluency cards, outlined in purple and if you look very carefully the CCSS {and there are sometimes more than one} listed on the strategy card by the owl.
Here is how I have mine organized:
I said there was gonna be a TON of freebies... so if you've made it this far in this post - Here you go!
You can find my FACE posters AND all of my strategy cards with the CCSS {FOR FIRST GRADE}
Do you do a "Star of the Week"? This year since I have kinda drifted away from camping but still have that outdoorsy forest feel... I decided to go with "Ranger of the Week". I ran out of room on my walls so put our display on the inside of our classroom door.
I found the cutest little polka dot rug and some owl pillows - I will probably regret it but they were impulse buys - you know - just too cute too pass up!
I know there are not many Saxon users out there - but we use Saxon Math - and I just HAD to get rid of all that YELLOW for our calendar wall. So I cut around each piece and made labels to put above each concept area on our wall. I don't mind it as much anymore. :)
If anyone does Saxon and would like my labels - just email me and I will send them to you.
WHEW! I told you it would be a long post... I hope I didn't bore you.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
"OWL" See ya later!