Saturday, January 21, 2012

Penguins and Dialogue

For the last two weeks we have been learning about penguins.  We have read tons of books and found lots of facts.  To end our unit we made our own penguins using our footprint traced onto black construction paper and adding wings, a white belly, orange beak and feet and used paper reinforcements for eyes.  They all turned out very cute and here are a few pictures of how they all had an original look to them.  


Even this one is so stinking cute!

So since one of our spelling/word wall words this week was said, we began looking at dialogue in the books we read, in our morning message and finally writing some of our own.  I gave each student a dialogue box and had them write what their penguin would say.  They made me smile!

I tried to get a close up of this one.  The penguin said, "I'm reading!"

It feels like Antarctica where I am.  Yesterday the windchill in the morning was 3.  However, it is supposed to warm up this weekend. (Above 30!) Have a great weekend!


  1. I LOVE the penguins and all they "said"! I am a new follower and am lovng your CUTE blog! I added you to my blog roll!

    I would love for you to visit me when you get the chance! I have TONS of *freebies* and LOTS of penguin activities that you can grab for next year or still use now in your centers and math tubs. =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. Those Penguins are soooo cute!!!! I love them

    First Grade Journal
