Saturday, September 24, 2011

Are you Versatile?

As I have again gone a whole week without posting... excuses, excuses - I was thrilled to see I was awarded a Versatile Blogger Award from Kristin over at A Teeny Tiny Teacher.  THANK YOU Kristin! 

I have all these ideas running around in my head and have all these great intentions and then somehow I get sidetracked with family, college homework or just being plain T-I-R-E-D!  So I decided it's time to sit down tonight and thank everyone who reads my blog and takes away something useful.  The rules that go along with receiving this award is (of course) thanking the person who awarded you with it and link back to them; Share 7 things about yourself; and award 15 blogs you think deserve this award.  So - here goes:

1.  I LOVE to sing, play the piano, was a band nerd and destress just by sitting down at the piano and losing myself in song.  I think I passed this on to my first child who started out playing the trumpet and has since self taught himself to play the guitar, drums, and keyboard.

2. Let's just say we play some SERIOUS rock band on the XBOX at our house!

3. My new found LOVE is Zumba.  I can't get ENOUGH of it!

4. I have 2 dogs, one that is Gigantic (120 lbs.) and a tiny black toy poodle.  They are the funniest things and the kids in my classroom can't wait to hear the newest story about Jack and Buster. They are best of buds and I have seriously thought about writing a kid's book about them.

5.  I have one sister (who is younger) and just had her first baby.  I love being an Aunt but hate that she lives so FAR away.

6.  I hate to admit it ~ but I am a Twilight Fan.  I have read the books at least 3 times each and can't wait until the next movie hits the box office. 

7.  Before I became a teacher, I worked for the telephone company.  I was one of those technicians who drove a truck, climbed the pole to fix the phone lines and showed up at your door to install your new phone jack. This is where I met my husband and after we got married I decided to quit my job, follow my dream and become a teacher.  I haven't regretted it for a second and am now working on my Master's Degree.

So now for the bloggers I'd like to pass this award onto:

Precious Perks
Ashleigh's Education Journey
Ebhart's Explorers
Kreative in Kinder
Clutter Free Classroom
Frogs, Bees and Under the Seas
Castles and Crayons
Mrs. Bumgardner's Class Blog
Lory's Page
The Creative Apple
How About Them Apples
Apple Basket Teacher
Camp Kindergarten
Curls and a Smile
Oh Boy 4th Grade

Wow ~ and the list could go on and on!  Thanks again Kristin...Happy Fall Ya'll!


  1. You totally deserve it!!!!!!! :) I, too, am a Twilight Fan!!!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. Thank you so very much!!! I am so honored you chose my blog!!
    Thanks, Nancy

    The Apple Basket Teacher
